ESA/Hubble heic1216: Monster galaxy may have been stirred up by black-hole mischief. Astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have obtained a remarkable new view of a whopper of an elliptical galaxy, with a core bigger than any seen before. There are two intriguing explanations for the puffed up core, both related ...

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ESA/Hubble News
25 October 2012

Astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have obtained a remarkable new view of a whopper of an elliptical galaxy, with a core bigger than any seen before. There are two intriguing explanations for the puffed up core, both related to the action of one or more black holes, and the researchers have not yet been able to determine which is correct.

The release, images and videos are available on:

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ESA/Hubble Information Centre
The ESO Education and Public Outreach Department
25 October 2012

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