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ESA/Hubble Science Newsletter
19 July 2013
A stranger in the crowd


Dear Colleague,
Welcome to the inaugural issue of the ESA/Hubble Science Newsletter for European users. If you receive this it is because you have, at some point, expressed interest in the Hubble Space Telescope — you might have submitted a proposal, obtained data, or browsed the Hubble archive. This brief newsletter is intended to report hot and recent Hubble news that might be of relevance to European users. It is also intended to create a direct communication channel between you, the European Hubble user community, and us, the staff scientists at ESA who support Hubble science operations. Please send any feedback you might have to [email protected].
Antonella Nota
ESA HST Project Scientist/STScI Baltimore

Science Announcements

Save the date: Science with the Hubble Space Telescope IV — 17–20 March 2014

19 July 2013: We are pleased to informally announce the fourth conference in the series “Science with the Hubble Space Telescope”, to be held at the prestigious Accademia dei Lincei in Rome from 17–20 March 2014. Antonella Nota (ESA & STScI) and Roger Davies (Oxford) will co-Chair the Scientific Organising Committee. The conference will be sponsored by ESA, in collaboration with NASA and ...

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The Space Telescope Users Committee

16 July 2013: The Space Telescope Users Committee (STUC) meets at STScI twice a year. This committee is composed of community representatives, who serve and advise on Hubble Space Telescope operations from the users’ perspective, recommending changes and improvements to instrumentation and procedures in order to maximise the scientific performance and productivity of the observatory. Because Hubble is a NASA/ESA partnership, the European ...

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Hubble time allocation

16 July 2013: In exchange for ESA’s contributions to the Hubble mission, users from ESA member countries have guaranteed access to 15% of Hubble’s observing time over the lifetime of the mission. The time is allocated via a peer review system where a Telescope Allocation Committee (TAC) evaluates the scientific merits of the proposals received for each cycle, and makes their recommendations to ...

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How to advertise your Hubble results

16 July 2013: As a European Hubble user, you can access ESA/Hubble’s resources to promote your work to the media and the general public. ESA/Hubble can help by producing and distributing press releases, image processing, web articles, artists’ impressions, and high-definition video. We can also feature your work on the Hubblecast, the world’s most popular science video podcast. ESA/Hubble science writers and image ...

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A stranger in the crowd  Stars that go out with a whimper  Stalking our celebrity neighbours  Inseparable galactic twins  Messier 61 looks straight into the camera 

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