Hubble Servicing Mission 4 Blog

Shift change

by colleen on May.13, 2009, under SM4

The ESA HST team discussed the day’s events and the events to come during the overnight shift. Before they left, Michael and Udo wanted to wait to see that the SADE (Solar Array Drive Electronics) had been turned back on (as planned). At that time, they were able to see whether the solar panel alignment had been affected by the capture.

Grappling (capture) worked, HST is in Shuttle’s payload bay and the HST capture had little impact on the alignment, so Michael and Udo left very happy. They are off to rest up for their next shift.

Lothar and Manfred are on duty!

The ESA HST team at Goddard (from left to right): Michael Eiden, Lothar Gerlach, Manfred Schmid and Udo Rapp.

The ESA HST team at Goddard (from left to right): Michael Eiden, Lothar Gerlach, Manfred Schmid and Udo Rapp.

1 Comment for this entry

  • Rosalinde Schmid

    Many greetings from Germany to the ESA HST team, especially to my dear husband Manfred Schmid.
    Best regards and good wishes for a successfully job!
    Our daughter Donata and me are very, very impressed!!!

    Rosalinde Schmid

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