Hubble Servicing Mission 4 Blog

Made it to the U.S.!

by colleen on May.11, 2009, under SM4

It’s been a long day!  I’ve been up for almost 24 hours but I made it safely to the U.S.  It’s 21:30 in Cocoa Beach, Florida and it’s muggy and about 25 degrees (Celsius).  Tomorrow’s weather calls for partly cloudy skies and a high of 32 degrees (Celsius) and NASA’s Shuttle Weather Officer Kathy Winters says there is a 90 percent chance that Atlantis will launch at its scheduled hour tomorrow.  Read more about the launch in today’s NASA update.  My sunscreen, sun hat and laptop are packed and I’m ready to capture all the action live from Kennedy Space Center.  I hope you’ll come along for the ride!

3 Comments for this entry

  • Stu

    I am SO jealous of you for being there! Oh well, you’ll just have to represent ALL the ESA’s member states’ space enthusiasts! ;-)

    Looking forward to reading more reports from you. If you have a free couple of minutes, maybe you could take a look at something I wrote about STS-125…

    Have fun!

    Kendal, Cumbria, UK

  • Lee

    Starting off with a weather report… how wonderfully English! You’re doing us proud, Sharkey!

  • Dego

    I got no emails, so I guess the stick is not working down there…. :-D
    Nevermind, you can always set up a smoke signals station :-D
    Have fun!

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