Hubble Servicing Mission 4 Blog

Atlantis is on its way!

by colleen on May.11, 2009, under SM4

Wow!!! What an incredible experience! I was atop a media tower next to the press site at Kennedy Space Center. With so many people here, I was struck by the quiet and calm just before liftoff. Everyone had fingers crossed waiting to see the glorious site of the Shuttle lifting off. As the countdown neared zero, smoke began to emanate from the launch pad. We all watched in awe as Atlantis rose into a mostly clear Florida sky. As it got higher, the sound was astounding and the wooden platform on which we stood shook. We watched until we could no longer see the Shuttle, only its contrail.

Space Shuttle Atlantis lifts off

Space Shuttle Atlantis lifts off

View from above the Kennedy Space Center press site after the launch of the SM4 mission to Hubble

View from above the Kennedy Space Center press site after the launch of the SM4 mission to Hubble

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