ann2402 — Announcement
Celebrate Hubble’s 35th anniversary with ESA/Hubble!
18 October 2024
In April 2025, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope will be celebrating its 35th anniversary.
Since its launch in 1990 Hubble has made 1.6 million observations of over 53 000 astronomical objects. To date, the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland holds 184 terabytes of processed data that are science-ready for use by astronomers around the world to use for research and analysis. A European mirror of the public data is hosted at ESA's European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), in the European Hubble Space Telescope (eHST) Science Archive.
To celebrate how the Hubble Space Telescope has been operating for over three decades and continues to make ground-breaking discoveries that shape our fundamental understanding of the Universe, ESA/Hubble is inviting proposals from organisations, institutions, and groups across Europe to maximise the reach and impact of this milestone with special events.
In order to submit an application, the applicant (on behalf of the associated group or institution) must agree to the following::
- The event(s) must be free and open to the public
- The event(s) would ideally held around the date of Hubble’s 35th anniversary (24 April 2025)
- Celebratory Hubble content should be creatively displayed to reach a wide audience. For example, the products may be featured in museums and science centres, on the side of large buildings or notable public monuments, etc. We invite you to get creative!
- Ensure a strong media presence at the event and encourage press coverage, including social media coverage.
- Engage with social media by sharing images from your event(s)
- Identify any long-term plans for displaying the content (e.g., a permanent exhibit gallery).
- The expectation is that the institution organising the event will bear the costs for the event.
The selected venues will receive the following as part of their involvement:
- The 35th anniversary image will not be provided to event organisers in advance, however a selection of special new Hubble images from the dedicated ESA/Hubble 35th anniversary celebration series will be provided to event organisers with exclusive early access. Event organisers are also encouraged to showcase Hubble’s new official 35th anniversary image, which will be released around 24 April 2025.
- Promotion of the event(s) on the ESA/Hubble website and social media channels
Applications are welcome from any of the ESA member states.
To submit a proposal, please provide a maximum of 2 pages (PDF format) describing how the above requirements will be fulfilled. The proposal should include a letter from the proposing institution with a commitment to carry out the event in case of selection and to support it financially, at no cost to ESA/Hubble. Please submit this document to [email protected].
The deadline to submit a proposal for this celebration is 30 November 2024. After this, proposals will no longer be accepted. Selected event organisers will be notified by late November.
Bethany Downer
ESA/Hubble Chief Science Communications Officer
E-mail: [email protected]
About the Announcement
Id: | ann2402 |