sci19008 — Announcement

How to access the HCV at ESAC and STScI

24 September 2019

By Paule Sonnentrucker (ESA/STScI)

The HCV is also hosted at the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in the form of a High-Level Science Product (HLSP) in the MAST (Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes) archive. High-Level Science Products are observations, catalogs, or models that complement and enhance the scientific impact of missions supported by MAST. These products often provide greater visibility of both the science theme they address and the missions that these products were generated from. All HLSP are accessible via a standardised webpage at MAST.

The HLSP webpage featuring the HCV allows astronomers around the world to download the entire catalog and its associated documentation, if desired. The webpage also contains a brief description of the motivation behind this initiative and the contents of the catalog, and provides access to the peer-reviewed publications associated with the project. The HCV catalog can also be browsed and data-mined from the HLSP webpage without the need to download the HCV catalog itself! Multiple exploration tools have been developed in order to enhance the scientific impact of the HCV and maximise its discovery space. The HCV Explorer tool and associated tutorials, all developed and hosted at ESAC (Spain), are directly accessible from the HLSP webpage and the catalog can also be data-mined using the standard capabilities offered by MAST (CasJob, API or the HSC search engine). Examples of queries using Jupyter notebooks are also provided to guide the community in making the most of this new treasure trove.


Paule Sonnentrucker (ESA/STScI)

About the Announcement



Screenshot of the HCV Explorer tool
Screenshot of the HCV Explorer tool

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