Hubble view of Messier 106
This image combines Hubble observations of Messier 106 with additional information captured by amateur astronomers Robert Gendler and Jay GaBany. Gendler combined Hubble data with his own observations to produce this stunning colour image.
Messier 106 is a relatively nearby spiral galaxy, a little over 20 million light-years away.
Credit:NASA, ESA, the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA), and R. Gendler (for the Hubble Heritage Team). Acknowledgment: J. GaBany
About the Image
Id: | heic1302a |
Type: | Observation |
Release date: | 5 February 2013, 16:00 |
Related releases: | heic1302 |
Size: | 7910 x 6178 px |
About the Object
Name: | M 106, Messier 106, NGC 4258 |
Type: | Local Universe : Galaxy : Type : Spiral |
Distance: | 20 million light years |
Constellation: | Canes Venatici |
Category: | Galaxies |
Image Formats
Position (RA): | 12 18 56.97 |
Position (Dec): | 47° 18' 40.73" |
Field of view: | 6.59 x 5.15 arcminutes |
Orientation: | North is 34.4° right of vertical |
Colours & filters
Band | Wavelength | Telescope |
Optical B | 435 nm |
Hubble Space Telescope
Optical V | 555 nm |
Hubble Space Telescope
Optical V | 555 nm |
Hubble Space Telescope
WFC3 |
Optical V | 606 nm |
Hubble Space Telescope
Optical I | 814 nm |
Hubble Space Telescope
WFC3 |
Optical I | 814 nm |
Hubble Space Telescope
Optical H-alpha | 656 nm |
Hubble Space Telescope